Volume (1) - Issue (1) - ( 2021 )
Released on 31/03/2021
Mokhtar R. Haman: A dedication to his memory
Fathi M. Sherif and Abdussalam A.M. Amara
Review Article
Precision medicine: recent progress in cancer therapy
Phalguna Yadagiri, Prakash Katakam, Shaban G. Elosta, Shanta Kumari Adiki
Original Research
In silico studies of 2-(4-(aminomethyl)phenyl)isoindoline-1,3-dione Schiff base derivatives as potential inhibitors against main protease COVID-19 enzyme
Areej A. Al amara, Omran N. Fhid, Inass A. Sadawe, Nisreen H. Meiqal, Salah M. Bensaber, Massaud S. Maamar, Anton Hermann and Abdul M. Gbaj
Phytochemical screening and structure elucidation of isolated compounds from Convolvulus dorycnium plant originated from west of Libya
Nagia E. Alshoushan, Nahla S. Labyad, Yousef M. Taher and Jamal S. Mezogi
Effect of Ephedra altissima stems extract on behaviour in the mouse
Suhera M. Aburawi, Jamal S. Mezogi and khawla F. Abuelkhair
Short Communication
Evaluation of knowledge, attitude and practice of pharmacovigilance among Libyan healthcare professionals
Iman Elmahdi, Hanin F. Hussin, A. Abdullah, Faraj Alamismaery, Elzahra S. Buzariba, Amna R. Bograin and Aisha A. Kshbor