|    editor@medjpps.com

Manuscripts are accepted for consideration with understanding that they are represent original material and they are not being considered for publication elsewhere. The editors welcome the submission of relevant articles for editorial consideration. Manuscripts and all scientific and professional data should be addressed to Editor-in-Cheif.

Welcome to MJPPS
Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (Mediterr J Pharm Pharm Sci) publishes papers on a broad range of drug research pharmacy practice to those working on the drugs and clinical areas. It is a peer-reviewed, and open-access journal that allows readers and authors to read and download the papers free of charge. It is committed to publishing high-quality articles in the field of pharmacy. The journal accepts manuscripts from all the countries conducted in all branches of pharmacy practice and pharmaceutical sciences. Basic research with clear pharmaceutical implications will also be considered. All submissions are considered for publication on the condition that their contents have not appeared elsewhere. Mediterr J Pharm Pharm Sci conforms to standard Publication Ethics. The journal is published online and printed quarterly on March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31; for every year. The language of the journal is English.

(Since January 01, 2021)

Acceptance rate




Average time to first decision

08 days



Average time to final decision

27 days



Publication count






All the contents of this journal is licensed the under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).

All published articles are indexed and preserved in full text in the Internet Archive and Academia.edu.

Screened by

The Publisher              الجمعية الليبية للصيادلة 
Libyan Association of Pharmacists (www.lap.ly),
Gergarish Star Building, Fifth Floor,
Gergarish Area, P.O. Box 82 757,
Tripoli, Libya.

Prof. Fathi M Sherif

Editorial Assistant
Saida A Khalifa