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Received date : 12-06-2022 Revised date : 23-07-2022 Accepted date : 28-07-2022 Published date : 30-09-2022

Mediterr J Pharm Pharm Sci 2 (3): 12-16, 2022

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7115130

Short Communication

Antibiotic prescribing in pediatric health care services

Abdulsalam O. Elfowiris and Nissren S.S. Majed

Abstract :

Although, antibiotics play a fundamental role in the control of infectious diseases still the injudicious prescription of antibacterial agents and antibiotic resistance are a global problem. This study aims to assess the prescribing pattern of antibiotics and to provide baseline data about behaviors of physicians prescribing antibiotics during pediatric consultations. In this study, a total of 316 pediatric patients of both genders receiving different antimicrobial therapy were evaluated during 2021 in pediatric health care services in Bayda, Libya. Data revealed that the average of drugs prescribed was 4.10 per patient while the average of antimicrobials was 2.30 per prescription. Most of the antibiotics were prescribed for respiratory tract infections (34.0%) and followed by urinary tract infections (29.0%). Cephalosporins and penicillins were the most common antibiotics prescribed in this study. In conclusion, these findings show the presence of polypharmacy and inappropriate prescribing patterns. To improve and minimize the unnecessary prescribing of antimicrobial agents, a continuous training program for physicians, as well as engaged pharmacists in health care services is needed.


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Citation :

Elfowiris AO, Majed NSS (2022) Antibiotic prescribing in pediatric health care service. Mediterr J Pharm Pharm Sci. 2 (3): 12-16. [Article number: 77]. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7115130

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