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Received date : 13-01-2022 Revised date : 12-02-2022 Accepted date : 04-03-2022 Published date : 31-03-2022

Mediterr J Pharm Pharm Sci 2 (1): 79-86, 2022

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6399891

Original Research

Presentation and character for adult patients with diabetes in Libya

Samia A. Elmiladi

Abstract :

Diabetes is a global issue, the diabetes epidemic is expected to continue, and the burden of diabetes causes catastrophic expenditure for the healthcare system. The current study aimed to determine the presentation, the clinical feature and cardiovascular risk factors in patients with diabetes. A retrospective observational study was conducted in the out-patients department at Almustaqpal Almosherq Centre from September 2013 to September 2020, the total number of attended out-patient department were 1 024, 820 patients who were selected for this study. A special performance was completed for every patient, which included details about the patient’s demographics, points in clinical history, relevant investigations and clinical examinations recorded. The study reported that out of 820 patients, 66.0% (n=538) was female and their age range was between 14-87 years with a mean age of 56.53±13.49 years, 96.0% (n=791) were clinically diagnosed as type II diabetes, 07.0% of the patients were diagnosed as pre-diabetes, the duration of diabetes ranged from newly diagnosed to more than 10 years, with 46.0% (n=379) of the studied population were more than 10 years diabetes duration, 70.0% (581) were presented with classical symptoms of diabetes. Initial treatment for diabetes was also different in the studied sample, were absent of anti-diabetic medications in 30.0% (n=248) of the patients, they refused to start glucose lowering drugs, 34.6% (n=284) of them have morbid obesity (body mass index is more than 40), 80.0% (n=662) have high HBA1c (more than 8.0 g%), 40.3% (n=240/596) were uncontrolled hypertension on anti-hypertension drugs, 95.6% (n=682/713) were controlled on treatment of lipid lowering drugs. This study showed the presentation of diabetes was common, type II diabetes, in the age group between 41-66 years about 65.0%, female sex, with high body mass index, high glycated hemglobulin and uncontrolled hypertension. There is concern that diabetic patients occur at a high frequency in younger adults, where a longer duration of illness could increase the risk of developing more complications in later life. The rate of coexisting cardiovascular risk factors (hypertension, dyslipid-aemia, and obesity) in Libyan patients with diabetes is highlighted.


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Citation :

Elmiladi SA (2022) Presentation and character for adult patients with diabetes in Libya. Mediterr J Pharm Pharm Sci. 2 (1): 79-86. [Article number: 56]. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6399891

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